Cosmetic Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, and Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, and Acupuncture

Our services


Acupuncture is an ancient method of rebalancing meridians within the body. It is believed that the energy flow ‘Qi’ runs freely throughout meridians in our bodies. If this flow of Qi becomes unbalanced or blocked this can result in illness or pain. Using a comprehensive diagnosis system including medical history and an examination of your tongue and pulse we can diagnose where the issue lies and form your unique treatment plan. Fine, sterile needles are then inserted in specific areas to encourage the free flow of Qi and restore balance back to the body. For more information about what we can treat, please click here to view the British Acupuncture Council website.

First Consultation and Treatment £45

Further treatments £39


Cupping can be used alongside an acupuncture treatment or as a standalone treatment incorporated with massage. We create a vacuum within the cups to create a suction effect on the skin. The cups can either be left stationary or used within the massage as gliding cups. Both techniques help to increase blood circulation to the area, and may help to relieve muscular tension and support with relaxation and wellbeing.

Free within an acupuncture treatment

Standalone £25


Moxa is a soft woolly substance prepared from dried mugwort leaves (Artemisia vulgaris). It comes in many forms, but its main purpose is a therapeutic effect in the form of a nourishing heat which can aid in the flow of Qi and blood. We can use this as part of your acupuncture treatment to support you.

Free within an acupuncture treatment

Bespoke Facial

A truly pampering treatment for all skin types and concerns. Products are selected to suit your skin’s current needs. Incorporates skin analysis, dual cleanse, exfoliation, aromatherapy massage and mask. You will leave feeling relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.

£45 per one-hour session

Health Testing & Products

Remedy Acupuncture is in partnership with Forth Testing & Invivo Healthcare to cover a multitude of health and microbiome tests.

Prices start from £40 a test

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Facial Enhancement Acupuncture (FEA) combines the benefits of acupuncture together with a skin boosting facial.  Targeting specific areas on the face and neck to help rejuvenate and promote overall well-being.  

 It is a natural, safe therapy which over a course of treatments enhances the overall appearance of the skin.  Reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving muscle tone, smoothing and contouring the skin.  Your skin will appear firmer and more radiant.  

Standard £50 per one-hour session. Includes cleanse, tone, application of needles for rejuvenation.

Premium £75 per 90 minute session. Includes full facial treatment including massage and mask with application needles for rejuvenation.

Paediatric Acupuncture Drawing

Paediatric Acupuncture

Paediatric acupuncture is a specialism within Traditional Chinese Medicine. The treatment of babies, children and teenagers differs from a treatment for adults. There are many options to treat children that do not involve the use of acupuncture needles. There are child friendly options for acupuncture needles, Tui Na massage techniques and Shonisin to name but a few. Please refer to the full paediatric page on individual services for more information or contact the clinic.

First consultation and treatment £25
Further treatments £25

DarmaluxMD Flex Drawing


The DermaluxMD Flex is a revolutionary ceramic LED Tri-Wave MD system. It is a multi functional device that can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with acupuncture or facials. Medically CE certified to treat acne, psoriasis, wound healing and pain (msk). It utilises Blue, Red and Near Infra-Red light therapy which can be used in different combinations to suit different requirements.

Stand-alone £20
In combination with another treatment £10

Alumier MD Drawing


At Remedy Acupuncture we search for the best products to use on your skin. Being in the beauty industry for over 20 years I have trained and used some of the most up to date products on the market. AlumierMD is a professional dispensed medical-grade skincare brand. Products can only be purchased through a retailer and prescription only. Please contact us for more details.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.